12 Valentine’s Day kids activities round up!


Valentine’s Day activities for your kiddos in 3…2..1

Anytime there’s a theme holiday like Valentine’s Day, I like to do fun mom crafts and activities that reflect it. This is a great way to spend time with your kids and use it as a fun way to teach your kids with the added fun of the holiday excitement! 

Trust me, these Valentine’s crafts are so easy and fun that you’ll love teaching as much as your kids love learning. I am all about play-based learning starting at home.  

These crafts build your preschoolers’ core creative and fine motor skills while experiencing the fun of Valentine’s Day with these hands-on crafts.

Here are 12 Valentine’s activities you can do with your kids and toddlers!

Love Monsters Activity: This is the perfect activity to work on numbers and values.

  • Draw 1 or 2 “love monster” shapes on a blank sheet of paper.
  • Next to the “love monster,” write what they need to draw. Example: 2 eyes, 3 arms, 4 legs.
  • Have your kiddo use the guide to draw their love monsters.
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Valentine’s Quesadillas: Quesadillas are perfect to make with your kids and to add a cute theme with ease.

  • Use a cookie cutter to cut hearts out of the tortilla.
  • Grab another tortilla and cover with cheese. 
  • Place the tortilla with cutouts on top and bake for 5 minutes at 350 degrees or until the cheese is melted. 
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Valentine’s Day Wands – These wands are that little touch of magic building your kiddos core creative and fine motor skills.

Word Family Heart

  • Cut a heart out of construction paper. 
  • Fold one half of the heart in half and make a 1-inch slit in the heart. 
  • On a 1-inch thick rectangle, write letters. 
  • On the heart, write the word ending for word families. Example sat, pat, tat, mat..
  • Slide the rectangle in the heart and read each word. 

construction paper | markers | scissors

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Love potions: The beauty of it is that you can make potions with anything you have in your kitchen.

  • Grab a sensory bin or Tupperware and a bowl.
  • Add your potion ingredients to smaller mixing bowls or cups. Ex: Shaving cream, citrus, baking soda, vinegar, and food coloring (occasionally, I even allow glitter in potion making).
  • Grab mixing spatulas, whisks or spoons to mix up your potions. 
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Heart fruit kabob: These would make a great little Valentine’s Day treat for your little babes.

  • Cut your melons into 1-inch slices. Use a heart shape cookie cutter to make melon hearts. 
  • Thread melon and grapes on a kabob stick 
  • Serve and enjoy! My kiddos took these to school as a treat for the class.
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Valentine’s Day Tic Tac Toe: Snacktivity: When an educational or fun activity involves food so that you can eat while you play.

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Valentines day crack: This is a great intro to cooking/baking activity for your toddlers.

  • Ingredients: Pretzel snaps, Hershey hugs, M&M’s.
  • Pre-heat the oven 300 Degrees
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
  • Lay an even sheet of pretzels on the baking sheet
  • Unwrap the Hershey Kisses and place on kiss on each pretzel
  • Place the chocolate preztels in the oven and bake for 5 minutes until the chocolate is soft enough. Watch the chocolate to be sure that they don’t melt too much.
  • Take the pretzels out of the oven and top with an M&M. Use the M&M to smoosh the chocolate kiss a little.

chocolate pretzel bites

Valentine heart sort

  • Cut out hearts from construction paper.
  • Cut 1 large, and 5 small in each color. Example: purple, red, blue, green.
  • Sort the small hearts onto the large hearts.

Valentine graphs

  • Put colored tape on the wall sticky side out.
  • Cut large hearts and add them to the bottom of the tape in the matching color.
  • Cut small hearts in the matching tape colors.
  • Have your kiddo graph paper hearts on the tape based on the color.

Counting hearts

  • Write a number on construction paper hearts. You can also use felt hearts from the craft store.
  • Add the corresponding number of stickers or any small parts to each heart. We used gems and stickers.

Valentine’s get-moving activity

  • Cut hearts out of post-its or construction paper.
  • Write different exercises or movements and how many to do on each of the hearts.
  • Tape them around the room and have your kiddo do each movement listed. Example: 2 Jumping jacks, 1 squat, 3 jumps.

construction paper | scissors | colored tape | post -its | felt hearts

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There you have it! 12 Valentine crafts and activities you can do with your kiddos at home!

If you love these activities and still want to banish boredom with something new to learn every day. Find instant inspiration for at-home learning in The Preschool Playbook.

Made to guide busy moms and teachers, this digital format features a 30-week low-prep curriculum and over 300 play-based activities that develop children’s fine motor control and creative muscles, as well as academic skills in early literacy, math, and science. Start teaching right away with activities ready in two minutes!


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by emily lawson