- Separation Anxiety -For many of our preschoolers and toddlers, kindergarten is the first time they are going to be away from mom or dad for an extended period of time.
- Group Settings – They are going to be one of many. This means their personal needs and wants cannot be met on the timeline that they’re used to.
- Social Interactions – How is your child going to react when another child gets picked to be the line leader or to answer a question? I know these things seem silly, but to our kindergartners it’s important.
Say “No” and Stick to It
Take Deep Breaths
Count to Ten
Talk It Out
Fidgets/Calming Activities
However, our preschoolers are preparing for Kindergarten (after all, this series is about skills for kindergartners). Whether or not you agree with the teacher’s stance on fidgets, many teachers do not allow them in their classroom. With that said, I would not want my child to be dependent upon an item or an activity that will possibly not be allowed in the classroom. Furthermore, even if they are allowed in your child’s classroom, your child may not have it with them at all times of their life and it seems more beneficial to teach coping skills that they can take anywhere with them.