Family movie night is one of the best decisions I made for my family.
My kids look forward to it all week, I pop a frozen pizza in the oven for dinner, and we add a treat. Sometimes I bake and sometimes I grab movie candy.
Right now my kids even turn down invites from friends on Friday cause it is family movie night. I know that won’t last so I’m soaking it all in. And I’m open to inviting friends to join us. As a mom, my hope is that we set this tradition now and it continues to be something the kids look forward to into their teen years. A mom can dream, right?
Of course, movie night also means streaming—and we’ve got our favorite go-to’s that never disappoint. Here are some of our top picks:
@byemilylawson Tell me your favorite family movie. Last night we watched gaurdians of the galaxy #simplefamilytradition #familytradition #familymovienight #movienightforkids #fridaynighttradition #fridaymovienight #familytraditions #familytimeideas #budgetmomma #realisticmomtiktok #elementaryschoolmom #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodunfiltered #realisticmomlife #realmomlife #motherhood ♬ original sound – Emily | date nights + family
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Friday Movie Night
This is a tradition that we started when Derek was 2 and Reagan was 4. Every Friday night we watch a movie .
It took a while (3+ years) for my kids to be able to enjoyably watch the whole movie but it was still worth it. Reagan has turned down invites from friends saying it is Friday Movie Night, I am with my family tonight.
@byemilylawson Family movie night is one of the best decisions i made for my family. My kids look forward to it all week, I pop a frozen pizza in the oven for dinner, and we add a treat. Sometimes I bake and sometimes I grab movie candy. Right now my kids even turn down invited from friends on Friday cause it is family movie night. I know that wont last so im soaking it all in. And im open to inviting friends to join us. #simplefamilytradition #familytradition🥰 #familymovienight #movienightforkids #fridaynighttradition #fridaymovienight #familytraditions #familytimeideas ♬ original sound – Emily | date nights + family
